3 Steps to improved performance and employee happiness

STEP 1 – Empower everyone to make decisions

Give your employees the power to decide for themselves. Trust your team members to do their jobs autonomously and they will reward you with increased creativity, commitment, and performance.

How does Gtmhub empower employees?

  • amly.workConnect to any business system
  • amly.workVisualise metrics and KPIs
  • amly.workShare with a relevant audience

STEP 2 – Set clear goals and align everyone

Goal setting enables several important benefits, including clarity of purpose, motivation, persistence, and learning. Stretch goals lead to improved performance, backed by quantitative measurements.

How does Gtmhub align everyone behind what matters most?

  • amly.workSet company goals, including automated measurement metrics.
  • amly.workNegotiate team and/or individual goals to align with company goals
  • amly.workShare company, team, and individual (subject to privacy controls) goals wisely

STEP 3 – Embrace Transparency About Goals, Metrics, and Actions

Trust follows understanding and understanding comes from information and analysis. Eliminate the silos and encourage everyone to share their goals, metrics, and actions.

How does Gtmhub help you embrace transparency?

  • amly.workGoals – Define and share goals with the entire organization (subject to privacy restrictions).
  • amly.workMetrics – Track metrics and share them as widely as possible (subject to compliance).
  • amly.workActions – Define actions, establish conversations, and collaborate easily